Deciding what type of car insurance you need can be confusing. Once you’ve chosen what sort of insurance you need, then you have to figure out how much coverage is necessary.
That’s not always easy!
To help people make those decisions, Adam Weintraub, who is recognized as one of the best insurance attorneys in Oklahoma, recently presented two seminars to the employees of Air Gas in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Adam explained the basic types of insurance coverage, discussed tips to determine how much coverage a person should have, stressed the importance of having car insurance, and outlined possible penalties for not having car insurance. The nearly 100 guests gave Adam glowing reviews on how helpful the information was.Now, Adam is trying to help other people understand insurance. If your business, organization, or class wants Adam to host a free seminar, please contact him at Savage, O’Donnell, Affeldt, Weintraub & Johnson for scheduling.